Saturday 23 July 2011

Water as an element of the park is no less interesting software presented for your small garden. The land that small can be handled by making the park a cliff. The term rock garden is because the design of this garden with small pond and mini waterfall that attach to the wall. The advantages of this park is sebegai diversion if you have a house with massive walls and slippery. The barren soil conditions and is not well suited to the fertile soil of this type.

Tuesday 19 July 2011


There are two important points in preparing a garden ornament, which is: hard elements (from hard materials) and software elements (from a soft material). Element consists of software that is easy to grow plants, such as shrubs, vines (interest telang, Alamanda), shade plants, flowering plants and ground cover plants (purslane, blue eyes, garlic, and onion grass). Only plant height harmony note. Do not let the high plant cover crops are lower for the park looks interesting.
Hardware element that is often used is stone. Natural stone slabs with the composition of irregular form can serve as a road and can give a natural impression. The beauty of a small garden will be more complete when coupled with the statues and garden lamps. Aside from being a source of light, the light will make the garden seem dramatic at night. Aesthetic ornaments such as jars will also make you more attractive small garden.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Every house must have a vacant lot though small in size. This little land can be transformed into a scene that can add beauty of your home. Having a garden can beautify the look of the house at a time can improve your psychological condition. Three things to note in gardening, among others: choose a dwarf plant, note the direction mathari ray, as well as soil conditions and water absorption.
If the soil you have only a narrow, then do not obey the desire to plant a tree that you like. But choose the type of plant dwarf or mini size to fit on your land and the proportion of your garden in balance.

Note also the direction of sunlight. Organize your garden according to the sunshine state. When the sun too much, then select a tree that requires lots of sunlight. Conversely, if your shady garden, choose trees that do not need ahaya sun. With an appropriate choice of plants, you will get a beautiful garden and a fresh eye.

A good garden requires good soil conditions for humus soils with high water absorption easier. However, if you are in big cities, such land will be difficult you get. However, do not worry. This situation can be resolved by soil treatment before planting process. Quite easy. Mix the soil with a combination of manure and compost.

Friday 1 July 2011

The following park is unique because it was in the middle of the house. Homeowners accidentally leaving a blank space in the middle of the house to plant trees in order to refresh the view.
Just above the empty space, the roof is left open so that rain water can drip directly into the house. So with such a design will facilitate the homeowner to take care of the garden, especially during the rainy season. Homeowners do not have to bother watering the garden in his house because the rain water will automatically direct the water the garden.
Advantages homeowners with a garden in the middle of the house, among others, is to beautify the view. In addition to cooling the air inside the house. Lastly, the garden inside the house will membesakan owner of the stress caused by routine work.

Garden on the Gutter

Don't be worry if your front yard is small. You can expand up to the front page above the gutter. Maybe you never thought, that the ditch area can also be used as a park. Want to know how to make a garden on top of the gutter?  
Here are the steps:
1. Cover the top with a concrete gutter. Do not forget to make one control boxes, which can be opened and closed. Control box is useful for ease of cleaning the gutters of debris and trash. 
2. After the concrete cover of dry ditches, concrete with soil piled as high as ± 60cm. The part that borders the road, lined with concrete high as 10cm. 
3. Once the buried soil is perfect, fertilize them. Then planted with elephant grass. A sloping piece of land stuck bamboo stakes. In order for the land and planted new grass, not landslides. After a fairly strong grass roots, bamboo stakes can be revoked.

Now you can expand the home page, without a headache thinking about the land. Good luck!

Steps To Make Small Garden

Creating a garden should not be the origin. If not carefully planned, will only create the bushes and littering the landscape.
A garden was created with the aim to bring the beauty. Determined whether a beautiful garden of softscape and hardscape material selection, color composition and shape, and overall harmony of design.
Some of the following should be observed, so the park is created completely in accordance with our expectations.
Two main things that have to be prepared are:
     * Preparation of design or concept of the park
     * Preparation of technical.
Preparation of design is the creation of garden design drawings in accordance with the concept of garden design as desired. Making the pattern of land, electricity and water installations preparation, placement, and determining the point of planting are some things that should be summarized in the concept design created.
Preparing the Land
At this stage, which must be done is the excavation and the reversal of the soil, backfill, tilling, and fertilization or addition of nutrients in the soil. This process serves to make preparations for the planting of land that is ready to be planted and has a contour corresponding to our expectations, as well as to liberate the land of weeds that will interfere with plant growth.

Creating Garden Construction
In the process of planning and making the trail done. This element is important for the circulation path in the park so that all activities undertaken in the park later on not interfering with the growth of plants and other elements. Design and material path can be made in a variety of options in accordance with an area of ​​land.

Determining Hardware Garden Elements (hardscape)
Included in the harsh elements of the park are various pots, rocks, lights, and other accessories that will be used as a complement to the park, both functional and aesthetic role.

Element Software Park (softscape)
Various types of plants, the choice is planned in this process. It is considered a matter of species of plants (shrubs, bushes, and protector). About colors (flowers and leaves) jugs into thing to watch because it determines the splendor of the park is created and harmonization of existing colors.
The character of each plant concerned: speed of growth, canopy shape, resilience in responding to the weather (either hot sun and rain / water), determine the choice of crops will be used.

Placement planting and hardscape
Crop planting starts from the kinds of cover crops (high) and so is a plant that is lower to the ground cover plants. The spread of coral stone, gravel, stone step, and installation of garden lighting and other accessories made ​​after planting.

The spread of coral preceded by the laying of fibers in permukakan which will be given as coral to keep the circulation of water to soak into the ground remain dar park was flooded.

Land cleanup
Clean-up the rest of the park construction. After the park clean of trash, there was a watering taste. And then performed routine maintenance such as pruning and regular watering.